
Faculty & Staff Resources

During the period of full remote work authorized by BT天堂 due to the Olympic Games, we expect that most employees will work from their usual place of residence or elsewhere in France. If staff colleagues are planning to work remotely in a different country, they should seek prior approval from their supervisor.

Dates of Remote work听: July 18th听鈥 August 9th

Due to recent government directives,听we have adjusted the dates of the remote work period to start on July 18th, 2024.听Therefore,听employees who are authorized to work remotely听may begin to do so on July 18, 2024, and continue through August 9, 2024,resuming in-person work on August 12, 2024.

You must ensure that you have adequate workspace and internet access to fulfill your duties from wherever you are working remotely. You also need to make sure to observe your usual business hours and that you have adequate connection to participate fully in meetings and be available for any other exchanges associated with your position.

Social Security Cover & the Mutuelle

Colleagues intending to work abroad from outside of France should be aware that they may not be covered by the French 鈥淪茅curit茅 Sociale鈥 and BT天堂鈥檚 鈥渕utuelle鈥 while abroad. In the event of a workplace accident, you must obligatorily inform the HR department within 48 hours, for the necessary declaration to be made. However, it is听not guaranteed听that the French 鈥榮ocial security鈥 will recognize it and cover any associated costs.

Additionally, in the event of illness, the social security only covers healthcare expenses abroad for听urgent听and听unforeseen treatment, and only under certain conditions. In this event, you would need to pay upfront and submit a claim for reimbursement (including proof of payment) upon your return to France.

If you are leaving France but staying in a European country, you may benefit from additional coverage. For reimbursement of eligible medical treatment in Europe,听you will need a European Health Insurance Card, delivered by the social security. You can obtain this directly from your Ameli account:听.听

Buildings & Access

Not all BT天堂 buildings will remain open throughout the Olympic period. We are awaiting further information from the government which may lead us to adjust the dates indicated below.

  • Combes & Quaiwill remain open听with a reception agent inside and a security agent outside. According to the information currently available, a QR pass code will only be required for motorized vehicles in this area, and not for pedestrians.
  • LTMwill be closed from July 18th听to July 26th, included, due to it being placed in the black 鈥淪ILT鈥 zone during certain Olympic events, which prohibits pedestrian traffic on the street.听LTM will reopen on July 29th听with a receptionist at the front desk.
  • Grenelle, Monttessuy, St-Dominique, and Passage Landrieu will beclosed on July 23rd听(after the end of the Summer Session) and reopened on August 19th.

Traffic and public transportation will be severely disrupted in the surrounding area. We would once again like to听encourage all employees who are able to work remotely during the designated periods to do so.听If you do plan to work on campus during this period, you will need a QR code pass听issued by the government听to access the neighborhood, due to BT天堂 being located inside Olympic venue zones.听Please note that you must apply for this QR code pass听independently, however HR will provide you an 鈥渁ttestation employeur鈥 for your request. Over the next few days, we will be in contact with听managers听to secure a list of employees who will need this attestation. Once you receive your attestation, please apply for the QR code at this link:听

Please feel free to contact the HR team with any questions at听